Friday 23 June 2017


Documentary Mind Map and Proposal

For our documentary, we plan to help people get a better understanding behind how little we know about technology and whether it is completely safe. This is something that we think needs to be documented to help achieve a better understanding about the world of tech.
We plan on making an expository documentary, this is something that we think will work best with the concept of the technology. We will do some voice overs, but our physical presence will not be present.
I think the primary audience of the documentary will be older people who have a lesser understanding of technology. They will want to watch because they know little about technology and want to find out more. Also, adults stereotypically will want to find out the dangers of tech and be more aware in comparison to a young adults/teenager who are less responsible.
The main aim of the documentary is to help people have a better understanding of the dangers of technology. This will hopefully help whoever watches to be safer online and on any technological devices they have.
We will film in the public, as well as interviewing people we know in disclosed locations. we could also travel to stores that sell tech to get some filler shots.
We will need members of the public to comply by answering some questions. We will also interview some people at the college that have a well-known knowledge for tech.

  • 1     Do you own a smart phone?
  • 2    do you own a laptop?
  • 3     are you signed up to Facebook?
  • 4     How safe do you feel online?
  • 5     Do you use online banking?
  • 6     Do you trust it?

We will just need a camera and mic.


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